
ke článku: 8. Pančavská vzduchovka
ze dne 29.07.2013, autor článku: Lukáš

Komentář ze dne: 20.04.2015 04:45:10
Autor: ralph lauren bedding (123456@qq.com)
Titulek: http://www.ralphlaurenbeddingoutlets.com
The instant Marie heard him make this proposal she untied her pockets, and gave them to Surgeon H��bert with her own hands. He examined them on the spot. In one he found some copper money and a thimble. In the other (to use his own words, given in evidence) he discovered ��various fragments of bread, sprinkled over with some minute substance which was white and shining. He kept the fragments of bread, and left the room immediately without saying a word.�� By this course of proceeding he gave Marie no chance of stating at the outset whether she knew of the fragments of bread being in her pocket, or whether she was totally ignorant how they came there. Setting aside, for the present, the question, whether there was really any arsenic on the crumbs at all, it would clearly have been showing the unfortunate maid of all work no more than common justice to have allowed her the opportunity of speaking before the bread was carried away. The French law

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